Terroristacts, most notably 9/11 and the Bali bombings, transformed our attitudes to thesecretive world of intelligence, surveillance and security.
In this book aprominent group of writers including Michael Mori, Ben Saul, Anne Aly and PeterLeahy lay bare the facts about spying and security in post-9/11 Australia.
Theircompelling book cuts through panic and fear-mongering to ask hard questions: IsASIO unaccountable? Is the money we spend on security worth it? Iscyber-terrorism an urgent threat? Are our spies up to the job, and how do weknow anyway as we only hear about their failures? Is WikiLeaks good for humanrights? Are we trading our privacy for a false sense of security? Spooked untangles the half-truths,conspiracy theories and controversies aboutthe 'war on terror', and is a welcome antidote to misinformation and alarm.