Hello, I'm Martha Grimstone, and at last I'm here in the big city attending the Queen's Music Academy, where so many famous musicians made their beginnings.
I have my very own wing at Lady Sterling's manor, and I'm excited beyond words, for soon I'll learn how to use my music to turn back the storms that threaten my valley. I simply cannot wait for my teachers to show me all I need to know. But why won't they let me play my own compositions...?
The Grimstones: Music School is a gothic fairytale about a new friend with the wrong name, a family of uncooperative bats, and what happens when a school of very great tradition encounters all the four seasons in one day.
'I LOVE the Grimstones. Martha is the perfect heroine for little (and big) girls who find that a pen and a trusty diary are the best way to make sense of a crazy world.' LISA FORREST (Australian Olympian + author)